Welcome to the spaceship!

*Space Ambient music on the background *     

Welcome to the CatchmeOn spaceship version Zero young pilot! Yes you heard me, it is the first version. here we're going to document our journey on the creation of this wonder! 

    But first let's talk about the people behind it! Abderrahmane and Mohammed ARBAOUI two brothers but most importantly two developers as of this day they are on their last year of University of Lille, A very passionate creators on the gaming community, music and other domains. 

       Let us give a little behind story on the Catchmeon gem by letting one of the founders, Abderrahamane express himself: "We've been thinking about this idea for a while now, as a small content creators ourselves we had some difficulties to share and to keep up with our audience on the multiple social platforms that exists since everyone has his own preference and use a different one."

    This only an small introduction article! In the next one, we're going to give you more details about CatchmeOn, as well as some of the difficulties we're encountering!
